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 Junior league
Begadd   reposted from Therhad76

Wir sind nicht nur täglich auf Youtube mit Videos aktiv, sondern wir bringen täglich News auf Facebook, machen auf Instagram viele private Fotos und geben Einblicke hinter die Kulissen und falls Ihr gerne Streams oder Let's Play's schaut, schaut bei unserem Twitch Kanal vorbei, dort sind wir täglich mit einem festen Stream/Sendeplan online. Über einen Besuch würden wir uns sehr freuen. Das ist Destiny. |--| Von den Schöpfern von Halo und dem Publisher von Call of Duty. In Destiny wirst du zum Hüter der letzten Stadt auf Erden und trägst unglaubliche Kräfte in dir.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Begadd   reposted from Dory1998

I love gaming with friends and meeting new people online. Playstation Team all the way!!. My friends and I are laid back we like to game and have fun have lots of laughs when we all get together. |--| Playstation Network: Baybilly-Girl. Instagram: Baybilly_Girl.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Begadd   reposted from Wead1986

Crota's End, more like Fuck You's End, amirite. Post-Taken King, this is still the glitchiest, most ridiculous, annoying af raid in the game. It shouldn't take this many tries to kill a shield-obsessed mofo (tho we have gotten a lot better at compensating for the glitchiness in recent times). See more Destiny content at:.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Begadd   reposted from Musbacquou

Spoilers: Yes, I did end up ranting for 8 minutes. |--| I never thought I would have to make this video, but crucible is actually not fun anymore. |--| Its hurting the way I play destiny, and its hurting the way I enjoy destiny. I just felt like I needed to voice my opinion, especially because this game isnt fun anymore due to how crucible is working. |--| Its honestly turning into a mess, and im hoping they fix that asap.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Begadd   reposted from Scance75

destiny,ps4 destiny,destiny ps4 gameplay,destiny gameplay,destiny multiplayer,destiny multiplayer gameplay,thevspecialistv,destiny how to be a better player,destiny how to snipe,how to be a better player destiny,improve your game destiny,destiny pvp tips,destiny multiplayer tips,destiny crucible tips,pvp tips,destiny pvp guide,destiny multiplayer guides,destiny tips,destiny guide,destiny improvment guide,tips for destiny,rise of iron,crucible guide. "PvP Tip #4" Destiny Multiplayer Gameplay Guide - PS4. "PvP Tip #4" Destiny Multiplayer Gameplay Guide - PS4. "PvP Tip #4" Destiny Multiplayer Gameplay Guide - PS4.  

9 years ago - Youtube