Buted1977 Profile Picture
 Junior league
Buted1977   reposted from Bouthad

After this part I'll be putting up the Hyper Boss Missions. Also why I didn't select the 2 missions before the last one is because they are survival missions that last 30 seconds each. There not hard at all but very very time consuming and boring. Thumbnail By: Colticide. Missions: Plant Diva  

9 years ago - Youtube

Buted1977   reposted from Feas1995

Hey guys, on this video I will show you how to make it so your chat sound is louder than your game volume. Remember, if it helped please like comment and subscribe. Uffbbn.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Buted1977   reposted from Moseent1986

The Division takes place in mid-crisis Manhattan, an open world with destructive environments that are free for players to explore. The player's mission is to restore order by investigating the source of a virus. The gameplay is similar to other third-person-shooters, in which player character can carry three weapons, and explosives like sticky bombs and smart mines to fight against enemies.Players may take cover behind objects during firefights to avoid taking damage from enemies, and to give them a tactical advantage when attacking. As the game is set in a third-person perspective, the character model is visible. As players progress, they earn experience points and currency.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Buted1977   reposted from Commaking

Destiny is a first person shooter (FPS) role playing game (RPG), where you will find yourself creating your own guardian of light and pushing back enemy forces. In the world of Destiny, earth is in shambles as it has been invaded by multiple forces, pushing humans to the brink of extinction. Luckily, a mysterious ball in the sky named, “The Traveler,” has pushed back these forces allowing humans to take shelter in the last standing city under The Traveler’s dangerously low orbit. The Traveler has bestowed some people with its light, allowing those who have it, to have the strength to take the fight into their own hands, and this is where the player comes into the story. As you progress, you start to learn more about your mysterious visitor, and begin to learn earth’s true destiny.  

9 years ago - Youtube