Chring1994 Profile Picture
 Junior league
Chring1994   reposted from Olecove

Xur Standort vom 17062016, 18062016, 19062016. Inventar:. - Helm des innersten Lichts (Titan Helm). - Strahlende Tanzmaschinen (Jäger Beinschutz). - Die unmöglichen Maschinen (Warlock Panzerhandschuhe).  

9 years ago - Youtube

Chring1994   reposted from Jockly

Legendary Auto Rifle received from crucible packages from Lord Shaxx and post game crucible drops: The Grim Citizen III. The Grim Citizen III is a low rate of fire, high impact auto rifle that comes with various different perks. The Grim Citizen III does 26 precision damage and 18 non precision damage. Share this video, leave a like and a comment . |--| Subscribe for more Destiny content:.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Chring1994   reposted from Tharne

CPU: Intel i7 6700K. CPU Overclocking: 4.6Ghz - Stable OC on all CPU cores. Water Loop Coolant: Mayhem Aurora Red. Additional Static Pressure Fan: Corsair SP120 LED Red High Static Pressure 120mm Fan. Static Pressure Fans: Corsair SP120 LED Red High Static Pressure 120mm Fan - Twin Pack.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Chring1994   reposted from Lacquit90

Watch as we Mercy countless teams in this MASSIVE 14-Game Mercy Streak. I hope you enjoyed the video and if you did be sure to Like, Comment and if you haven't already, Subscribe. Let me know your opinion in the comments.. And Thanks to ALL TD members for supporting Total Dominance.. -- Watch live at.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Chring1994   reposted from Notal1990

Weekly Reset in Destiny is upon us so the new Challenge of Elders is back with new modifiers. Tonight The Nightstalker Hunter takes on the Challenge of Elders to get that epic Elders' Sigil Loot from Variks. If we have time we may run through the new Weekly Nightfall Winters Run Taken version and maybe even the Lost to Light mission to get a Black Spindle. Remember to leave a like if you had fun and Subscribe for more nightly Destiny Livestreams. Want to help improve the stream.  

9 years ago - Youtube