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 Silver league  · 1,115 points
Dards1997   reposted from Nothem

Wir sind nicht nur täglich auf Youtube mit Videos aktiv, sondern wir bringen täglich News auf Facebook, machen auf Instagram viele private Fotos und geben Einblicke hinter die Kulissen und falls Ihr gerne Streams oder Let's Play's schaut, schaut bei unserem Twitch Kanal vorbei, dort sind wir täglich mit einem festen Stream/Sendeplan online. Über einen Besuch würden wir uns sehr freuen. Das ist Destiny. |--| Von den Schöpfern von Halo und dem Publisher von Call of Duty. In Destiny wirst du zum Hüter der letzten Stadt auf Erden und trägst unglaubliche Kräfte in dir.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Dards1997   reposted from Stolliffind

I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did make sure to slam that like button like I said in the video if we can reach 3 likes I will do part 2 of Destiny Within. I hope you guys enjoy if you want me to play any other game leave it in the comments. And I will be greatly appreciated anyways see you guys and another video.  

9 years ago - Youtube

This is a series of streams that I've done of Kingdom Hearts 1.5. This playthrough will have me using the default equipment for the entire game. Paraphrased from Wikipedia:. Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix is a compilation for the PlayStation 3, released in September 2013. It contains Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts is an action role-playing game developed and published by Square in 2002 for the PlayStation 2.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Broman discusses some of his favorite new features in patch 2.3. Subscribe -.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Dards1997   reposted from Beive1988

No spoilers. I wouldn't venture into the comment section either. Yes, I know how dumb this is. No, I dunno anything about Game of Thrones. The no communication raid is something a lot of people have asked for.  

9 years ago - Youtube