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 Junior league
Dificen   reposted from Oftepts

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9 years ago - Youtube

Dificen   reposted from Halle1987

I do lets play and fun game and try to entertain you good people of the unvirse.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Dificen   reposted from Losim1998

This is a review for the exotic hand cannon "Hawkmoon". This Exotic hand cannon got hit with a bit of a nerf in the last update to its stability. I intend to show you if this is still a viable option in Destiny PVP. As far as a Destiny exotic weapon goes, the Hawkmoon has reached god like status as the best hand cannon in the game. I know of several people who only use this weapon and are concerned of the recent nerf in the 2.3.0 update to the Hawkmoon.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Dificen   reposted from Moseent1986

Song - "If you are the creator of a song from one of my videos, please be sure to let me know so I can add you  

9 years ago - Youtube

Dificen   reposted from Jockly

or type !donate in chat. All donations go toward supporting and improving the quality of the stream. Disclaimer: All donations are final. By donating, you agree to not chargeback/refund any tips made and are the rightful owner of the funds being donated. You are paying for a virtual product and not covered with buyer protection.  

9 years ago - Youtube