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 Bronze league  · 803 points
Dory1998   reposted from Musbacquou

The biggest twitch whores/sluts are nothing compared to these twitch streamers. Kjhovey, Truevanguard, Luminosity, Realkraftyy, Mtashed, and various others have been given streamer bonuses to help get better videos and stats. THIS NEEDS TO END. email me here: Twitch:.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Dory1998   reposted from Hisend85

Leave a like if you love to see more great content for you to watch. Leave a comment to either suggest a game for any of us to play. Hit that subscribe button to become a Legioner. If you have a suggestion of a game for us to play, leave a comment below. Any game is great if you will enjoy it.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Dory1998   reposted from Pire1987

Destiny's E3 coverage was a mixed bag. Which many people out there will now know of the new content coming in the next DLC there are people that watched Bungie's reveal stream, who expected to hear something new news. Sean and I delved into this commentary prior to E3 and gave our thoughts on some issues like how infusion will work from year 2 to year 3 as well as how raid weapons can be made better in Rise of Iron. Check out my channel:.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Dory1998   reposted from Theming

I shoulder charged many and reaped golden tears, I used my Plan C to kick all their rears. I used my High Fixer and fixed 'em up good, and erased them forever as voidwalkers should. I giggled and laughed as they crumbled and bled, and shot them in the back as they screamed and they fled. I had zero mercy and none of the chill, and smiled rather smugly as I broke down their will..  

9 years ago - Youtube

Dory1998   reposted from Beive1988

In this video we will go over this week at bungie for June 23, 2016. Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner were cancelled but maybe returning when hotfix goes live. They also discuss why Hunter had some changes to balance them in the crucible. Full Update:.  

9 years ago - Youtube