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 Junior league
Exclore   reposted from Losim1998

We're going beyond the wall to bigger and better looking patrol zones. Rise of Iron being only on Ps4 and X1 will bring big technical benefits from visuals, to under the hood performance. SGA returns with a detailed breakdown of Patch 2.3 changes to classes and weapons. All the links from today's show.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Exclore   reposted from Bouthad

Destiny - Badger CCL Legendary Scout Rifle Review. (Year 2). -Hit SUBSCRIBE For more Destiny:.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Exclore   reposted from Tiony1995

Destiny Rise Of Iron - Lord Saladin Being A Badass. |--| Destiny: Rise of Iron is the next highly anticipated expansion to the Destiny universe. It features an all new cinematic story campaign set within The Plaguelands, a brand new location on Earth. Under the command of Lord Saladin you will face a new faction of Fallen Devils, the Splicers, while unravelling the mystery of the Iron Lords. Rise of Iron features new weapons, armor, and gear, as well as a new cooperative three-player Strike, a new mode and maps for the Crucible competitive multiplayer, and an all new six-player cooperative Raid.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Exclore   reposted from Ineste

Was testing out the june update and recorded a game, turns out i am a god with a sniper. sorry for no gameplay audio. never plugging in my headset again. Enjoyed the video. Subscribe for more.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Exclore   reposted from Aser1976

Wir sind nicht nur täglich auf Youtube mit Videos aktiv, sondern wir bringen täglich News auf Facebook, machen auf Instagram viele private Fotos und geben Einblicke hinter die Kulissen und falls Ihr gerne Streams oder Let's Play's schaut, schaut bei unserem Twitch Kanal vorbei, dort sind wir täglich mit einem festen Stream/Sendeplan online. Über einen Besuch würden wir uns sehr freuen. Das ist Destiny. |--| Von den Schöpfern von Halo und dem Publisher von Call of Duty. In Destiny wirst du zum Hüter der letzten Stadt auf Erden und trägst unglaubliche Kräfte in dir.  

9 years ago - Youtube