Fortur Profile Picture
 Junior league
Fortur   reposted from Olecove

I do lets play and fun game and try to entertain you good people of the unvirse.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Fortur   reposted from Dening

Here Is A Few Of The Big YouTubers And Streamer's I Watch From Call Of Duty, Fallout 4 To Destiny. So Check Them Out I Swear You Will Not Be Disappointed. Hope You Enjoy And Let Them Know I Sent You With RoadRunner. YouTubers I Watch. Some Of Them Are Also Streamers So Check The Links In There Video Descriptions.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Fortur   reposted from Thaves81

Hope you enjoy this gameplay as much as I enjoy falling into a bed w/ fresh cleaned sheets at the end of a day..  

9 years ago - Youtube

Fortur   reposted from Onster

Hey So What Going On Everyone. Hope You Enjoyed This Video. If You Did Smash That Like Button.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Fortur   reposted from Beive1988

Yoyo rage quits at the end. Some background on this, we did clan sweats and yomoonster was running blade dancer with the goal of being invisible literally the entire game and shotgunning people behind their back and running away. Was frustrating to go against and our team lost 0-3 on the first set. End of each game was followed up with taunts and KD bragging and most invisble shotgun kills were followed up with tea bags, needless to say someone needed to be taken down a peg or two. Second set we changed up the teams and I went from Sunsinger to Striker because I wanted to close the gap faster for shotguns.  

9 years ago - Youtube