Hishad Profile Picture
 Junior league
Hishad   reposted from Halle1987

I do lets play and fun game and try to entertain you good people of the unvirse.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Hishad   reposted from Ineste

Yes I am playing with Death but not death himself, actually it's a girl. Playing w/ my friend Sonya and talking to my crew, although you can't hear them so it looks like i'm talking to myself lol (^~^ . yikes :/.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Hishad   reposted from Lantoo

Playing Destiny with Drdoomsdaughter Live on PlayStation 4. Please share and subscribe..  

9 years ago - Youtube

Hishad   reposted from Scance75

Hey guys today I wanted to go over a question I get asked a lot why isn't Destiny the Rise of Iron coming to the PS3 and XBOX 360. Follow Us:. ➥ Tweet Me:.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Hishad   reposted from Wead1986

Crota's End, more like Fuck You's End, amirite. Post-Taken King, this is still the glitchiest, most ridiculous, annoying af raid in the game. It shouldn't take this many tries to kill a shield-obsessed mofo (tho we have gotten a lot better at compensating for the glitchiness in recent times). See more Destiny content at:.  

9 years ago - Youtube