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 Gold league  · 11,550 points
Manto1977   reposted from Shery1992

Big E and I are taking on the Destiny Blighted Chalice Nightfall Strike with some friends. Check out our Blighted Chalice Nightfall Rewards Nightfall loot that we got. Both of us end up getting the Hood of Malok to drop and Big E get's two exotic engrams. Don't miss a video ever:.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Manto1977   reposted from Pire1987

We got to speak to Chriss the Game Director on Destiny: Rise of Iron the brand new expansion for Destiny that fans have been dying to play, check it out!.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Manto1977   reposted from Regiand88

Fruit and BlueWestlo find themselves with yet another opportunity to bond as twins. Subscribe:.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Manto1977   reposted from Jockly

Xur is near the Vanguards. He brought Helm of Inmost Light, Radiant Dance Machines, The Impossible Machines, and Thunderlord - nothing horrible. IB Clash starts June 21:.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Manto1977   reposted from Therhad76

Welcome to the Dream Team, a hand picked team of elite destiny players, tasked with one simple task. Rhabby looks for his redemption. Twitter:.  

9 years ago - Youtube