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 Gold league  · 15,187 points
Musbacquou   reposted from Willynat

Hey guys. Thanks for watching the video. If you liked it, please make sure to hit the like button and subscribe for more content. It took me a while to put this together, surprisingly. twitter: twitter.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Musbacquou   reposted from Youle1983

Introduced just before the launch of Destiny’s first expansion, The Taken King, moments are essentially special achievements. Unlocking each one earns players a special emblem that they can use on their Destiny profile. Bungie has not yet confirmed whether these are real, but the poster on Reddit says that digging through the new Destiny API database revealed their existence. Here’s the full list of Year 2 Moments of Triumph:. Challenge of the Elders: Complete an Elder’s Sigil scorecard in the Prison of Elders.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Musbacquou   reposted from Manto1977

Mein Equipment:. PlayStation 3.1. PlayStation 4. XBox 360 4. Hauppauge HD PVR2 Game Edition.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Leave a Thumbs Up if you enjoyed this dope edit. Also, don't forget to leave a comment and to subscribe. [IGNORE]. montage, destiny, crucible, pvp, clips, xbox one, xhoho, ps4, streamerhouse, playstation 4, playstation, editing, after effects, the taken king, taken, king, xbox, community, best, montage (film genre), sniper, shooter game (media genre), Destiny, PVP, crucible, destiny farming, destiny glimmer, destiny exotic, destiny xur, destiny dark below, destiny raiding funny moments, destiny raid, destiny the clueless guardians, the clueless guardians, destiny clueless guardians, youtube andrew, andrew jrt, xkoko, xoho, brothers, destiny, rise of iron, expansion, live, news, siva, new dlc, destiny expansion, new, dlc, destiny lore, kpop, zirotv, pvp, weapon, exotic, opening, destiny moments of triumph, year 2 moments of triumph, destiny news, kim min jae, worst exotic, worst, drop, buff, nerf, update, game, destiny random funny moments, destiny live reaction, destiny exotic drop live, destiny best exotic drop, destiny worst exotic drop, destiny exotic drop, destiny exotic, xur inventar, xur standort, destiny xur deutsch, xur, rise of iron destiny.  

9 years ago - Youtube

The biggest twitch whores/sluts are nothing compared to these twitch streamers. Kjhovey, Truevanguard, Luminosity, Realkraftyy, Mtashed, and various others have been given streamer bonuses to help get better videos and stats. THIS NEEDS TO END. email me here: Twitch:.  

9 years ago - Youtube