Prinaces Profile Picture
 Junior league
Prinaces   reposted from Leoutitend1982

Please like, comment, and subscribe. Have a great day YouTube and i'll see you guys in the video above. Enjoy. -If your interested in making gaming videos check out the Elgato Game Capture HD. |--| -CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE!-.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Prinaces   reposted from Scance75

I am a PROUD PARTNER With Curse Network, Click MY Referal Link To Be Partnered w/ Curse "Union For Gamers" - (90% - 10%) Revenue Share. With My Link I Can Help YOU!. |--| CLICK HERE FOR THE BEST PARTNERSHIP ON YOUTUBE:.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Prinaces   reposted from Crinsonast

Grand Kingdom is a 2015 tactical role-playing game developed by Monochrome Corporation for the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. The game is set within a medieval fantasy world where four nations are vying for dominance. As a rookie mercenary leader, the protagonist becomes involved in an incident which affects the whole continent. It is finally here!. My copy was so delayed so i am sorry about that guys i really want to get this up sooner.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Prinaces   reposted from Fornew1982

Game: Destiny: The Taken King. Developer: Bungie. Platform: Xbox One. Recording Device: Elgato Game Capture. Editing Software: Movie Studio Platinum 13.0.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Prinaces   reposted from Stolliffind

I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did make sure to slam that like button like I said in the video if we can reach 3 likes I will do part 2 of Destiny Within. I hope you guys enjoy if you want me to play any other game leave it in the comments. And I will be greatly appreciated anyways see you guys and another video.  

9 years ago - Youtube