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 Junior league
Smarculd95   reposted from Heme1989

I am a PROUD PARTNER With Curse Network, Click MY Referal Link To Be Partnered w/ Curse "Union For Gamers" - (90% - 10%) Revenue Share. With My Link I Can Help YOU!. |--| CLICK HERE FOR THE BEST PARTNERSHIP ON YOUTUBE:.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Smarculd95   reposted from Moseent1986

I am a PROUD PARTNER With Curse Network, Click MY Referal Link To Be Partnered w/ Curse "Union For Gamers" - (90% - 10%) Revenue Share. With My Link I Can Help YOU!. |--| CLICK HERE FOR THE BEST PARTNERSHIP ON YOUTUBE:.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Smarculd95   reposted from Witocces

The Division takes place in mid-crisis Manhattan, an open world with destructive environments that are free for players to explore. The player's mission is to restore order by investigating the source of a virus. The gameplay is similar to other third-person-shooters, in which player character can carry three weapons, and explosives like sticky bombs and smart mines to fight against enemies.Players may take cover behind objects during firefights to avoid taking damage from enemies, and to give them a tactical advantage when attacking. As the game is set in a third-person perspective, the character model is visible. As players progress, they earn experience points and currency.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Smarculd95   reposted from Tharne

In this video we will go over a huge article on Playboy dot com. (Links Below). This is an interview with Scott Taylor, lead designer with Chris Barrett from Bungie. Things like new social space rituals, never seen before exotics, story of the iron lords, live events and they even discuss old raids being brought up. Full Article:.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Smarculd95   reposted from Manto1977

In Destiny wirst du zum Hüter der letzten Stadt auf Erden und trägst unglaubliche Kräfte in dir. Erkunde die alten Ruinen unseres Sonnensystems, von den roten Dünen des Mars bis zur üppigen Dschungelwelt der Venus. Besiege die Feinde der Erde. Finde all das wieder, was wir verloren haben. Werde zur Legende.  

9 years ago - Youtube