I recently started a new account in order to play through the Story Quests again, and, much to my delight, they made quest-lines out of a few of the original missions. Unfortunately, they didn't do this for all the missions, and once you get past the Cosmodrome, much of the original lack of direction becomes apparent. After how much I enjoyed playing the first few missions when there was a defined order (which actually made it seem like there was a coherent story and some sense to it), I was very disappointed that the rest of the story-lines were left ambiguous and seemingly in random order. I played through all the missions and all the strikes, and listened to the dialogue and tried to do my best to order them in the way they should be played, so that the story actually comes together and flows as well as possible. I highly recommend for experienced players to go back and do the missions in this order, as it absolutely makes a world of difference how much more you can understand about the Destiny lore when things are organized somewhat coherently.
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