Ulsiny Profile Picture
 Junior league
Ulsiny   reposted from Tharne

-Think your game play is better. |--| Either message me on Xbox One: CsLocke. Or email me: cslockeworks@gmail.com. and have your own montage made for you and put on the channel. -Check out the other montages on the channel.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Ulsiny   reposted from Leoutitend1982

Please like, comment, and subscribe. Have a great day YouTube and i'll see you guys in the video above. Enjoy. -If your interested in making gaming videos check out the Elgato Game Capture HD. |--| -CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE!-.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Ulsiny   reposted from Evere1996

Here Is A Few Of The Big YouTubers And Streamer's I Watch From Call Of Duty, Fallout 4 To Destiny. So Check Them Out I Swear You Will Not Be Disappointed. Hope You Enjoy And Let Them Know I Sent You With RoadRunner. YouTubers I Watch. Some Of Them Are Also Streamers So Check The Links In There Video Descriptions.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Ulsiny   reposted from Nothem

Background Song: Day 'N' Nite (Andrew Luce Remix). Make sure to hit that like button, smash that subscribe buttton.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Ulsiny   reposted from Musbacquou

The third expansion, The Taken King, was released on September 15, 2015, marking the end of "Year One" of Destiny. The expansion focuses on Oryx, father of Crota, as he leads a new race of enemy, the Taken, to avenge his son's death. Players have access to a new PvE area, the Dreadnaught, Oryx's massive ship situated in the rings of Saturn (with its own Patrol mode), as well as playable missions on Mars' moon Phobos (previously only available in PvP), and the raid, "King's Fall", that will "put players to the ultimate test" and will release on September 18. A new activity called Court of Oryx is accessed during the Dreadnaught's Patrol mode. During Patrol, players collect items called runes that can be used to activate a new type of public event with random bosses and three levels of difficulty.  

9 years ago - Youtube