Verchalsold94 Profile Picture
 Junior league
Verchalsold94   reposted from Musbacquou

Source(s). and Follower Entertainment is an outlet for Destiny News, and Entertainment. DestinyFollower is not associated with Bungie, Activision, and any other respected organization, or business. We do not represent the views or authority, nor have any endorsement of respected companies, or parties..  

9 years ago - Youtube

Verchalsold94   reposted from Therhad76

Wir sind nicht nur täglich auf Youtube mit Videos aktiv, sondern wir bringen täglich News auf Facebook, machen auf Instagram viele private Fotos und geben Einblicke hinter die Kulissen und falls Ihr gerne Streams oder Let's Play's schaut, schaut bei unserem Twitch Kanal vorbei, dort sind wir täglich mit einem festen Stream/Sendeplan online. Über einen Besuch würden wir uns sehr freuen. Das ist Destiny. |--| Von den Schöpfern von Halo und dem Publisher von Call of Duty. In Destiny wirst du zum Hüter der letzten Stadt auf Erden und trägst unglaubliche Kräfte in dir.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Verchalsold94   reposted from Firastr

In this destiny video we will be taking a look at my max light level 335 titan and all the gear he has picked up so far since the april update. We'll be going over my best weapons to use, my current armor and some other items from exotics to some of my favorite shaders and emblems. Drop the video a like rating if you enjoyed and subscribe to my channel for more destiny gameplay  

9 years ago - Youtube

Verchalsold94   reposted from Scance75

destiny,destiny ps4,ps4 destiny,destiny ps4 gameplay,destiny gameplay,destiny multiplayer,destiny multiplayer gameplay,destiny new meta,new meta destiny,april update weapons,april update changes,thevspecialistv,destiny best handcannon,funny video,destiny highlights,montage,rise of iron,stolen pride,destiny stolen pride,stolen pride gameplay,stolen pride destiny,stolen pride pvp,stolen pride changes,stolen pride multiplayer,stolen pride crucible. "I Stole 30 Lives" Destiny Stolen Pride 10KD Mutilplayer Gameplay - PS4. "I Stole 30 Lives" Destiny Stolen Pride 10KD Mutilplayer Gameplay - PS4. "I Stole 30 Lives" Destiny Stolen Pride 10KD Mutilplayer Gameplay - PS4.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Verchalsold94   reposted from Tharne

I hope you guys enjoyed this little Y-09 Longbow Synthesis showcase video. Like the video is you enjoyed and subscribe for more. CONNECT WITH ME. |--| Twitter -.  

9 years ago - Youtube