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 Junior league
Wairds   reposted from Alhas1985

XUR LOCATION 6-17-16 and Recommendation Destiny Inventory, Where is Xur June 17, 2016, Where is XUR Inventory, He is located by the please see the video to find where is xur . Our Destiny Guide will help you to find XUR Agent of the Nine new location for 6-17-16 , somewhere in the tower, where could xur be this week. Get your Strange coins to help you get the Gear and Weapons that XUR brings is unique and takes a lot to get them but if you have your coins all you have to do is buy it from him which could save you a lot of time doing bounties or other daily activities. Sometimes he brings great weapons which you can then level up. What did you get from Xur Inventory location 6-17-16.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Wairds   reposted from Wompeat86

UPDATE: The pre-order listing for Gjallarwing has now been removed -.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Wairds   reposted from Cind1977

For the first time ever on the channel we take a look at The Last Word, is it still ridiculously overpowered. Is it mediocre. Or is it just right. Let's find out. Enjoy the video.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Wairds   reposted from Ineste

I am a PROUD PARTNER With Curse Network, Click MY Referal Link To Be Partnered w/ Curse "Union For Gamers" - (90% - 10%) Revenue Share. With My Link I Can Help YOU!. |--| CLICK HERE FOR THE BEST PARTNERSHIP ON YOUTUBE:.  

9 years ago - Youtube