Werhe1986 Profile Picture
 Junior league
Werhe1986   reposted from Aser1976

With the latest patch, Bungie reduced the damage of high rate of fire autos and adjusted Counterbalance's recoil angle. Thankfully, this doesn't heavily affect things. More from Houndish:.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Werhe1986   reposted from Therhad76

♡ Open Me ♡. ╔══════════════════╗. ★ Enjoy, Life Is Just A Game. ╚══════════════════╝. ✔ Jeux pas chers.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Werhe1986   reposted from Montwely

Destiny Iron Banner Clash is cancelled for June 2016. This is due to issues with matchmaking. These is why they cancelled trials of osiris last weekend. Patch/Update 2.3.0 really seemed to mess some things up. I am saving all my Iron Banner Bounties for post release of Rise of Iron, the next major Destiny expansion.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Werhe1986   reposted from Beive1988

In this video we will go over this week at bungie for June 23, 2016. Trials of Osiris and Iron Banner were cancelled but maybe returning when hotfix goes live. They also discuss why Hunter had some changes to balance them in the crucible. Full Update:.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Werhe1986   reposted from Dory1998

Thanks for watching, if you enjoyed the video please like, share and subscribe to my channel. It's just one click. -- Watch live at.  

9 years ago - Youtube