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 Junior league
Wrour1979   reposted from Musbacquou

The biggest twitch whores/sluts are nothing compared to these twitch streamers. Kjhovey, Truevanguard, Luminosity, Realkraftyy, Mtashed, and various others have been given streamer bonuses to help get better videos and stats. THIS NEEDS TO END. email me here: Kraftyyfan420@hotmail.com. Twitch:.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Wrour1979   reposted from Hungloned

Destiny is set seven hundred years into the future in a post-apocalyptic setting. It follows a period of exploration, peace and technological advancement known as the Golden Age. In a universe where humans have relocated and colonized planets in the Solar System, an event known as "the Collapse" saw the mysterious dissolution of these colonies, the end of the Golden Age, and mankind is now tipping on the brink of extinction. The only known survivors of the Collapse are those living on Earth, who were saved by "the Traveler", a white, spherical celestial body whose appearance centuries before had enabled humans to reach the stars. The Traveller now hovers above the last remaining human city, and its presence allows the "Guardians of the City"—the last defenders of the human race—the ability to wield an unknown power, only referred to as "The Light".  

9 years ago - Youtube

Wrour1979   reposted from Leptied

Here Is A Few Of The Big YouTubers And Streamer's I Watch From Call Of Duty, Fallout 4 To Destiny. So Check Them Out I Swear You Will Not Be Disappointed. Hope You Enjoy And Let Them Know I Sent You With RoadRunner. YouTubers I Watch. Some Of Them Are Also Streamers So Check The Links In There Video Descriptions.  

9 years ago - Youtube

Wrour1979   reposted from Commaking

Hey guys, here today with my another episode of Destiny top 5s. Hope you guys enjoy it. If you have any clips to submit, be sure to do so to the email address above!. Rule,. .Clips must be recorded in HD (No cell phone submissions).  

9 years ago - Youtube

Wrour1979   reposted from Mazincusithe

Wir sind nicht nur täglich auf Youtube mit Videos aktiv, sondern wir bringen täglich News auf Facebook, machen auf Instagram viele private Fotos und geben Einblicke hinter die Kulissen und falls Ihr gerne Streams oder Let's Play's schaut, schaut bei unserem Twitch Kanal vorbei, dort sind wir täglich mit einem festen Stream/Sendeplan online. Über einen Besuch würden wir uns sehr freuen. Das ist Destiny. |--| Von den Schöpfern von Halo und dem Publisher von Call of Duty. In Destiny wirst du zum Hüter der letzten Stadt auf Erden und trägst unglaubliche Kräfte in dir.  

9 years ago - Youtube